Create Your Own Creatures

Stats, abilities, spells. You can customize creatures to your hearts content and use them in the encounter tracker.

The HP Auto Abilities, fast healing and regeneration will automatically be processed by the Encounter Tracker

The weapon traits agile, finesse and brutal will automatically be processed by the Encounter Tracker

Demo version only shows defensive and reactive information

Never Forget a Condition

The Encounter Tracker does more than just keep track of turn order, it also shows whole stat block, makes adjustments for conditions, and much more

Have multiple of the same creature or just don’t have the right mini? The Encounter Tracker makes it easy to keep track of which creature’s are which on the table

The Encounter Tracker automatically adjusts for the conditions affecting your creatures

Expand the stat block to see more information

This feature is not available in the demo version

Stat blocks automatically expand on the creature’s turn

More Than Just Conditions

Stats in the stat block can be selected to show extra options for them

Apply arbitrary bonuses/penalties to account for spell effects or creature abilities that don’t apply conditions

Resistances, immunities and weaknesses are all conveniently displayed on the healing/damage popup

Manually roll initiative for creatures or even change which skill is being used for initiative